Course Reserve
Your instructor uses course reserves to provide you with access to selected readings from print and electronic resources such as books, lecture notes, e-books, e-journal articles, and scanned excerpts.
Physical course reserves are found at the circulation desk. Course reserves are organized by call number. You will need the call number to access course reserves. Course reserves can be used in the library only for a maximum of two hours. Users may borrow a maximum of 2 reserve items at a time.
Physical materials are placed in reserves collections on the first floor of the library at the request of faculty, staff, instructors during the time that the courses from different academic units are being offered
The reserve request form which is available in the library website or at the circulation desk on the first floor should be submitted to the library at least 8 weeks in prior to the start of the course.
Please download the course reserve form for your course reserve.
Please review our library course material policy in advance.