Fine and other charges

Conditions Descriptions
Minor damage:

Slightly damaged and repairable

• Book covers: Markings on the inside or outside, or portions ripped off, etc.

• Book pages: Markings on less than 10 pages, medium creases, tears, stains, or liquid damage, etc.

• Equipment: To be determined by IT/Operation department.

Major damage or loss

• Book cover is damaged or missing.

• Pages are stained, missing, illegible or warped.

• Book is written upon or marked throughout.

• Other conditions that render the book unusable, such as a strong odor.

• An audio-visual item is rendered unable to be read by devices.

• Equipment is seriously broken and unrepairable.

• Books/equipment/CD-DVDs are reported lost.

  • If a user finds a previously lost material and returns it to the library after he/she has paid the replacement fee, the fee will not be refunded.
  • Library patrons will receive reminders to return or renew materials. Failure to receive this notice is not an acceptable reason to waive an overdue fine. Waiving overdue fines is only permitted for unforeseen circumstances (e.g., hospitalization or serious illness) which has made it impossible to return or renew library items on time.
  • For appeals, please email the library at Appeals will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
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